SAC Exhibition in Tokyo & New Year Updates

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In ‘the olden time’, I would have traveled to Tokyo to attend the award ceremony & exhibition of Silver Accessories Contest that took place in December 2021. As it is how it is with our current world, I woke up at 5.30 am to turn the computer on and connect to Zoom, made sure to be on time for the live broadcasting of SAC Award Ceremony at 6 am.

It was a very interesting experience, to put in in a simplest way. I was attending from my living room and being ‘there’ via a pre-recorded video, however the excitement was real! :D I enjoyed following the ceremony from start to the end, sometime I needed to remind myself that the event was going on live over there, it was a bit surreal.

My piece shown via Zoom broadcast

I was speaking through a pre-recorded video at the Silver Accessories Contest 2021 Award Ceremony

As for the exhibition that took place December 21-26 2021 at Tokyo Metropolitan Theater, I followed it day-to-day through photos and videos that were posted by Silver Accessories Contest organizer. I really appreciate the updates and I could follow the exhibition from the moment when it was set up, see the venue and my piece on display.

‘Sweet Moments’ jewelry by Astari G Swatantri
Semi Grand-Prix at Silver Accessories Contest 2021
At the gallery of Tokyo Metropolitan Theater

 The entrance to the exhibition space. Picture: Silver Accessories Contest.

Thank you once more with all my heart to Silver Accessories Contest organizer, the judges and everyone involved in this amazing event! This experience has been one of the highlights of 2021 for me.

As a little reflection in the beginning of the New Year, a lot of things happened in 2021, I’ve experienced much in quite a wide spectrum XD Beside SAC, one highlight was the Leaves & Love Exhibition at Helsinki Winter Garden. I’ve also experienced the unexpected with my Insta page being mistakenly disabled. I don’t write too much about it to avoid bringing attentions of random strangers want to ‘help’ ;) Another exciting part is about my other passion, watercolor painting. Last year, still being much at home and not going anywhere, I had a chance to embrace it more, to experiment and explore my way of doing things, which has brought me to a significant development in my watercolor journey.

Wishing you all the best for 2022! Be true be you!

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