Winter & Spring Updates

The days are getting lighter again here in Helsinki, which means more daylight for painting, jewelry making and other handwork I’m doing. Yay!

I haven’t written much here, however I’ve been working on different kind of creations, as well as traveling. In February I was invited to participate in a super exciting jewelry training ‘Silver Origami Jewelry’ at Art Clay Silver headquarter in Tokyo, Japan. Very lucky to have the opportunity to learn new jewelry techniques, especially origami in Japan!


Winter scene at a park in Tokyo


The training program took five days, and each day was pretty intensive. I’ve done origami before, however, folding a piece of silver clay paper is another story. It was a precious learning experience!

Silver Origami Jewelry. I will start teaching this course in my studio, contact me if you’re interested.


Proudly receiving the certificate from the teacher, Jin Matsuhita


So blessed to have met old friends and made new ones during the training!
(Pic by Art Clay Japan staff member)


During the last day of the training, participants had an opportunity to try out different new jewelry supplies and create whatever projects they would like to, with whatever amount of time left. I managed to make this exciting ring and try out the stone setting ‘Gemotion’ from Swarosvki. The stone settings could slide along the opening, make it such a playful piece of jewelry!

Stylish and fun silver ring


This winter I also got a sweet sweet gift from Art Clay Japan. A major Japanese Jewelry magazine featured my winning necklace #DoPositive on its winter edition. This publication showcases incredible jewelry using a wide array of techniques. What an honor to have my jewelry featured in such a gorgeous publication. A great way to start the year!

So happy to find my jewelry in this gorgeous publication!

Last year was an important year for my creative enterprise, not just in jewelry making but also with my songwriting and watercolor painting. I’m deeply grateful to keep creating and learning different art and craft techniques, as well as discovering more and more of myself along the way. I hope to continue creating and sharing my work!

Thanks for reading!

Always the best wishes,


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